jeudi 5 novembre 2015

The new range of Lancôme Hydra Zen

Hydrazen lancome1 Article
I have said in my video products recently completed: I had to change routine care because the products that I used to date are empty now! Remember, I had shown you in my video "routine care" and I speak particularly serum Elixir Ideal Payot, my Clinique Dramatically Different cream but also water micellar Uriage. I will buy this cleansing as soon as I pass a pharmacy because I loved it and although I greatly appreciate this routine, other products patiently waiting to be tested so I decided to incorporate into my new routine the beauty gasoline Lancôme Hydra Zen and the "serum-en-mask" mask night the same range. I test since my return to New York for a little more than three weeks (but not using ... Already? !!!) Then I return you present (although I may get back to you on video!
Why is it that I directed this new range to replace my old routine care? Well already because technically the Hydra Zen range of Lancôme has existed for 15 years and I've never had the opportunity to look into his case. And yet I have heard much about it! The two products that I present today are for their news: they invite to adopt new gestures, textures are innovative (and inspired by the Asian cosmetics) and are thought to soothe moisturize but above!
The promise? This beauty essence and serum in mask offer continuous hydration for 24 hours and above all, immediate comfort (counting especially on the soothing coolness of textures).
Let's start with the Beauty Essence Hydra Zen: as you may already know, I have sensitive skin, reactive and prone to dryness. It becomes dehydrated very easily and when I started to get interested in this moisturizing essence I was afraid that it is too light for my skin. Its texture precisely, let's talk. This is a very frozen liquid which turns into water in a trice. Just file a hazelnut on the skin so that it becomes completely liquid. Not only is it beautiful to look at and very surprising in the bottle but when we move to the application, it can easily be confused. What is it? A serum? A light hydratatant? A powerful hydratatant on which may, despite its lightness replace a day cream? It depends on your skin!
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Let me explain the scope of this ritual is truly unique and even if such products are apparently already in Asia, I had never tested before! Just drop the hollow of the palm of his hand two small knobs of this essence, pressing their hands to "break" the water jelly to transform it into refreshing water. Once this is done, it must be through the palms of the hand, making small pressure on the face to penetrate the product. This is a delicate ritual, no "friction" is at stake and so it moisturizes the skin without irritating or blush. The brand also advises small to exert pressure with your fingertips, forehead to the neck for optimal penetration and extra comfort. This ritual is repeated 3 times.
lancome swatch
So I followed the advice from the start of use of the product but the concept of "3 times" I was a little disturbed: I was not sure that it is really necessary. One thing is certain: one time it is not enough. My skin looks dry drink the product immediately and wanting more. 2 times, it is the perfect right now: my skin is not too dehydrated and do not taut so that's what I do every morning but also every evening. I think that indeed, when the temperatures will start to fall, a third application may be useful. So you understand why I explained that the use of this product depends on your skin type: it can suit everyone but it is especially effective if you have sensitive skin / dehydrated. Oily skin also be appreciated because let's not forget that hydration is essential (even if you "shine"!) And knowing that this product penetrates very quickly (without leaving greasy or sticky), you might quickly pass its very watery texture.
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This is an alternative dosage that one knows only too well (creams, gels, balms) and even though I was pretty retissante at first use, it is ultimately a product that I have adopted pleased once I found he brought sufficient hydration (for this time of year - I'll let you know when the fall will be installed) and this application is really nice ritual and de-stressing. Knowing that this "water" almost-instantly absorbed -or one can wear makeup and directly after that, it is very convenient in the morning!
For information, this beauty essence is enriched with active and moisturizing agents (thrush root, extracts of rose, jasmine, peony, cocoa and moringa seeds) for skin soothed. For those who are very particular about the composition of their care, know all the same that this product contains PEGs and alcohol. I think by that against the price / quality ratio is excellent since it is a 200ml bottle!
Link: Beauty Essence Hydra Zen - Lancôme: € 41.50 200ml
lancome Hydrazen mask
Now on to the Hydra Zen mask, which also has a hybrid texture serum / mask this time! This product is presented in a pretty pot and it's a detail but I find particularly successful cap!
lancome pot
This mask was designed to reduce the signs of fatigue and stress accumulated on the skin. The brand promises intense Nutrition: + 40% moisturization 4 hours after application.
Its texture is again very surprising because I naturally find very cool and easy to apply.
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This "frozen" thick substance on the skin and I use it once or twice a week depending on the needs of the latter.
lancome hydra swt
What is rather surprising is that very quickly, and as for Gasoline beauty besides, the product penetrates and gradually, it remains only a "veil" jelly on the skin. The product itself does not stick and is not fat but I feel still a bit when I pass my fingers over my face.
I love the relaxing and yet delicate brand range, I understand inspiration "Asian ritual care" Impressions: it is a pleasure to apply these two products.
As the name suggests, it is a night so we put the mask at night, we wait a little it penetrates (I would say 15 minutes is required) and then file it in bed The next morning, no need to take out the cotton to try to remove the excess material, there will be none! Besides wake up, I find that my skin is plumper than usual but I prefer to wash my face as I usually do my makeup to avoid over care product residues. In fact, when one decides to use the Beauty Essence as a daily moisturizer, this mask is ideal to bring a shot of extra hydration to the skin. Is it essential? No, you may well not to adopt this gesture and you stick with this amazing water jelly. By cons, if it tempts you, remember that it is a skincare product that is very successful and I use because I'm a little bit lazy and I love the night care who act while I rest !
For information, there still found once peony extracts, cocoa, moringa and pink. Warning, it contains silicones so I would not recommend it to those who do not respond well to this type of ingredients.

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